CSC is organised by National Council for Science and Technology
Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science & Technology, Government
of India.
State Level CSC is organised in each State/Union Territory by a State
Coordinating Agency which in turn empowers State and District Coordinating
Committees for organising the state and district level CSCs
1. Role of District Coordinating Committee, District
Coordinators and District Academic Coordinators
- To agree in writing, on being selected, to act as a District Coordinating
Committee and abide by rules and regulations prescribed in the
programme guideline and also by the State Coordinating Agency.
- To constitute a District Organising Committee and a District Academic
Committee consisting of not less than 7 (seven) teachers, activists, exchild scientists, government officials, representatives of the local bodies
etc. and send the list to the State Coordinator.
- To register CSC groups (2 children per group) in Form A (Annexure I) and
provide them with necessary reference materials, kits and guidance.
Number of groups registered to be intimated to the State Coordinator.
- While registering, the District Coordinator should assure that the age of
the child scientist falls within the age group of 10-17 years as on 31st
December of the participating year. If needed, a copy of the age certificate
may be retained by the District Coordinator to avoid any confusion at the
later stages.
- To organise orientation workshops for guides and evaluators.
- To create linkages with resource institutions/scientists/experts and arrange
for their periodic interaction with the registered group of children.
- Try to have maximum number of projects in the district including those
from informal education system / special schools etc. and strive to increase
the outreach in a continual manner.
- To organise District Level Congress in consultation with the State
- To submit Feed-back Reports on all activities, containing names of schools
and number of projects at district level and follow up action taken on projects likely to become part of community action, photocopies of all
Registration/Attendance Sheets for all Workshops/Meetings, Evaluation
Sheets in original, samples of certificates issued, mementos presented to
child scientists, photo documentation etc. related to CSC at the District
level to the State Coordinator in the manner and by the date specified.
- To maintain a bank account and proper books of accounts at the district
level and submit an audited Receipts & Payment account to the State
Coordinator by the date and in the manner specified.
- To maintain infrastructural facilities, including electronic communication
facility, such as internet connectivity, fax etc
- . To arrange review and mentoring of the projects selected for presentation
at the State level CSC.
2. Role of State Coordinating Agency, State Coordinators and
State Academic Coordinators
The State Coordinating Agency shall have the overall responsibility for the
implementation of CSC at the State level. The specific responsibilities shall be
- To constitute a State Organising Committee (SOC) and a State Academic
Committee (SAC) where minimum 7 (seven) members to be selected from
teachers, activists, ex-child scientists, government officials, officials of the
local bodies, organisations specifically active in a region in the State, where
the State Coordinating Agency does not have a reach. Submit the list of
SOC, SAC, DOC and DAC along with Project Proposal for districts and
- To constitute Regional Coordinators, if found necessary, in case of Big
States and to involve SCERT, DIET, IRIS and organisations working with
children / elder citizens with disability and media representatives.
Distribution of geographical area for organisational purposes etc. will be
the prerogative of the State Coordinator.
- To locate individuals, schools specially interested in other curricular
- To select District Coordinating Agencies and obtain consent letter from
the respective organisation, where they have to agree to abide by the
guideline of CSC and willing to follow the guidelines of NCSTC-DST and
State Coordinating Agency of the State.
- To organise State Level Orientation Workshops of District Coordinators
and District academic coordinators, resource persons, evaluators etc.
- To coordinate translation of the Activity Guide Book to be used by the
guides, resource persons and children in local language and make them
available to all concerned.
- To maintain a Bank Account and books of accounts at the State level and
submit an audited Statement of Expenditure and Utilization Certificates
etc. as per standard DST guidelines with a Project Completion Report.
- To submit Feed-back Reports on all activities, samples of certificates issued,
mementos presented to child scientists, photo documentation etc. related
to CSC at the State level to the funding agency in the manner and by the
date specified.
- To make funds available to District Coordinating Agencies.
- To create linkages with various technical institutions/organisation along
with Testing & Monitoring facilities within the State, to help children in
better implementation (information collection/sample testing) of their
activities (Identity Cards may be issued to children registered for activities)
through District Coordinators/State Coordinators.
- To arrange review and monitoring of the projects selected for presentation
at the CSC.
- To ensure that Evaluation sheets, both written and oral are forwarded to
the next higher level, i.e. from district to State and from State to National
- State Academic Coordinators should work in close association with the
district/State Coordinators for arranging evaluation process and shall make
an effort to send one member from State Academic Committee as an
Observer to the district level CSC. His/her signature on the selection list is
mandatory. The entire process of evaluation is to be supervised by the
Observer. Decision of the State Academic Committee shall be final word
on the selection.
3. The National Academic Committee (NAC) - Roles & Responsibilities
The National Academic Committee (NAC) looks at the academic aspect of
the CSC in a holistic manner at all levels. The NAC is appointed by the NCSTC, DST for a term of three years. The
NAC is an honorary body which frames the guidelines and streamline the
conduct of the CSC from time to time in consultation with the National Programme
The NAC has a Chairperson along with a team of members having
experience in CSC and expertise in science communication.
NAC also provides constant inputs in improving the methodology, technical
content like finalization of the Activity Guidebook, helps in national brainstorming
and orientation workshops at various levels - all of which aims at capacity
building of stakeholders One of the critical roles of the NAC is to continuously evolve a child-friendly
screening system of CSC projects at all levels. A massive programme like CSC
cannot have a static model of evaluation system and thus requires constant up
gradation with inputs from state/districts with mutual flow of ideas / suggestions
which are practical, realistic and implementable.
The person who is nominated to the National Academic Committee should
not be part of any CSC committees or evaluators at state/district level. But every
NAC member can definitely help the states in terms of training programmes,
orientation of various stakeholders as observers in the state CSC activities and
for overall strengthening of the quality of CSC at various levels from district to
national level.